Big Data Visualization for Invedtigations

i2 plug-in for law enforcement agencies and business departments like compliance, internal audit, risk, forensics, and security. Triton optimizes data collection, visualizes data, and configures risk analysis in one single system.

Triton Use Cases

Crime investigations in law enforcement agencies and police

Визуализируйте данные, выявляйте связи и возможные риски

Government financial monitoring

Работайте с зашифрованным траффиком, деанонимизируйте пользователей

Visualization and analytics of lawfully intercepted data

Собирайте данные о геолокации абонентов, используйте для защиты интересов граждан.

Corporate fraud detection in large companies, finance agencies, etc.

Визуализируйте данные, выявляйте связи и возможные риски

Anti-money laundering (AML) and compliance procedures

Работайте с зашифрованным траффиком, деанонимизируйте пользователей
Triton in B2G sector
Принцип Лего: модули Quasar можно использовать вместе, как единую экосистему, либо выбирать отдельные компоненты и интегрировать в свои сервисы для усиления и обогащения данными.
Lawful Interception
Quasar Voice
Intercept the voice and text information of certain subscribers in mobile and fixed networks.
Get the real-time playback of the call in progress.
Quasar CDR
Collect data about the user's activity in the mobile network. Determine communications with other subscribers and investigate crimes with suitable data. Get access to the subscriber’s phonebook

Quasar IPDR
Collect data about the user's activity in the mobile network. Determine communications with other subscribers and investigate crimes with suitable data. Get access to the subscriber’s phonebook

Encrypted Traffic
Quasar DA
Collect data about the user's activity in the mobile network. Determine communications with other subscribers and investigate crimes with suitable data. Get access to the subscriber’s phonebook

Quasar LBS
Collect data about the user's activity in the mobile network. Determine communications with other subscribers and investigate crimes with suitable data. Get access to the subscriber’s phonebook

We believe that strategic IT solutions in national security agencies should be in-house, and we help each client with this.

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